Ferhat Tunç sentenced to 1 year and 11 months in prison

nyhet - 13/09/2018

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In the court today Ferhat Tunç gave a speech of defence. Here are four of his statements: «Today, those who cheer to cheap slogans of primitive nationalism are giving up on the peace provided by the thousand-year legacy of the arts and sciences – just to say that they are superior than others and look down on intellectuals.» «Those who aim to prosecute artists can have only one purpose: To silence artists and intellectuals. Political powers have tried to do this since the early days of history.» «On behalf of the ancient cultures of Anatolia, I think we must obstain from expressions and claims that would plant seeds of discrimination between people who have been living together for tousands of years». «Government officials are now considered those who distract people’s attention toward less important issues, trying to trick them into believing non-facts.» The whole speech can be found here. Ferhat Tunç defense speech Savunma (Englisch)