Mohammad Ibrahim Jafari
nyhet - 10/04/2018
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Jafari was a free soul. His heart was on fire, dedicated to the freedom one can find in art, regardless of the difficult circumstances an artist has to face in Iran. We will remember him for his playful and volcanic way of making poems. He showed such a wonderful understanding of the music. We worked together with him in some unforgettable sessions in Vence, Istanbul and Tehran. He wrote the poems at the spot, inspired by the music. The joy we all had every time he finished a poem and could celebrate it, will always live in our hearts: His proud laughter and how he demonstrated his theatrical talents like a performance artist. His inspiration to a lot of Iranian artists in music and visual art has changed so many hearts and given them faith in the importance of artistic values and freedom. May peace and beauty be with Jafari’s memory. Marjan, Mahsa and Erik