Kim Rysstad - Villfarande Barn (Lost Children)

Whatever you might think or believe about salvation, sin and mercy, you would need a heart of stone to not believe in Kim Rysstad’s interpretation of old spiritual hymns such as “Jesus din søde forening at smage” [Oh sweet unity with Jesus], “Villfarande barn” [Lost children] og “Langt inn på ville heii” [Far away in the wilderness].
With accompaniments created in the inspiration of the moment by Tord Gustavsen (piano) and Arve Henriksen (trumpet), Rysstad sings about the depths of depravity, the vale of tears, lost souls and the need for salvation. All of this is on the new album entitled “Villfarande barn” [Lost children]. At first glance this might appear to be a rather outdated collection of songs, and rather strange to offer them during a time when sin, shame and hell have become tabu words, and the prophets of our time prescribe ephemeral pleasures as the meaning of life.
The old songs of Pietism describe a world where each individual’s salvation is threatened by perdition and the dark abyss. But can these songs be understood in new ways in our time, when we more than ever before in modern times are feeling a deep uncertainty and doubt about the future? Many of us feel that pandemics, war and climate crisis, technological development and polarisation are leading us astray. Can Kim Rysstad inspire us to a new reading of the texts of Pietism?
Regardless of where we stand on this issue, the music and performance on this album are so captivating that not even a hardboiled atheist is left untouched by the songs Kim Rysstad shares with us. This is not only due to the unique qualities and presence of the singer, but also to a three-dimensional soundscape where the dynamics and power of Gustavsen’s and Henriksen’s improvisations take us into a landscape where colourful panoramic pictures enthral the listener. Both of these musicians supplement their instruments with electronics.
The album was recorded by Erik Hillestad, technician and producer, during three days in January at Kulturkirken Jakob in Oslo. The trio will hold a release concert during the “Dype åndedrag” [Deep breaths] festival in Tanum Church, Bærum, Norway, around Whitsun.
FXCD 495
”Villfarande barn”
Vocals: Kim Rysstad
Trumpet and electronics: Arve Henriksen
Piano and electronics: Tord Gustavsen
KKV 2023
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