Skruk - Sommerlandet

SKRUK’s latest release is a touching experience that will melt even the coldest of hearts. This song cycle narrates a beautiful story inspiring hope, joy and gratitude over life and God’s promises.
In addition to the SKRUK choir and Tord Gustavsen (piano), this record features Mats Eilertsen (bass) and Rob Waring (percussion). Torunn Sævik is the soloist and Cecilie Jørstad narrates the story written by Eyvind Skeie about the young child’s journey through the dark valley of death to the summer meadows where the child meets “The one who is waiting”. The recording was performed in Volda church and Kulturkirken Jakob.
Azerbaijan composer Galib Mamedov has collaborated with conductor Per Oddvar Hildre on arranging the poems for soloist and choir. The choir arrangements were written by jazz musician and arranger Tord Gustavsen.
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